AAA Rousse Junk Removal Services of Florida - Get a Free Estimate or get your questions answered.
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Same Day Junk Removal Service
AAA Rousse Junk Removal and Hauling Service is now nationwide. We are family-owned and operated to give you the customer care you would expect from a small but solid Florida business. Our pricing is based on volume, weight, and location of items. For example, if we were to pick up furniture from a garage, it would be less expensive than removing furniture from a 14th floor condo. Commercial pricing is available for realtors, property managers, property owners, contractors, and others who will use our services throughout the year.
Monday - Saturday 7:30 am – 9:00 pm
Sunday 8:30 am – 5:00pm
Call 800-433-1094 for all other Nationwide Local Locations