Carrollwood Brick Patio Removal and Disposal Guide

Brick patio removal is no easy task. Sure, it’s relatively straightforward and simple. But, it requires a substantial amount of work. Make no mistake about it, this is arduous work and will take a significant amount of time and effort to complete from start to finish. So, it's best to leave this to an open weekend.

It should take about two days to remove the brick patio and then replace it with fresh grass. Once it's done, within just a couple to a few weeks, the space will look entirely different, as if the patio never even existed. However, to get from here to there, you'll need to really put in a whole lot of effort. So, let's take a look at brick patio removal and how to dispose of the materials, as well.

Brick Patio Disposal Options

First, we'll deal with how you'll ultimately deal with the old bricks and other construction material debris. After all, this is a lot of stuff and you can't just put it in the garbage and out onto the curb. If you do, the local trash collection agency won't pick it up. Which means you'll need another way to offload it.

Concrete patio blocks and brick pavers are often set in beds of sand or stone dust to create outdoor walkways, patios, and shed floors. Although they are durable, occasionally a few will settle unevenly or crack in half. --This Old

You really have two choices. One, you can load it up and haul it away yourself. Or, two, you can just call a local junk hauler to come by and pick it up so you don't have to wrestle with it yourself. If you don't have a truck and a large trailer, you should just have a junk removal service deal with it for you. This way, you don't have to take more time out of your schedule.

Carrollwood Brick Patio Removal Guide

Now, let's get into how to take up a brick patio and what to do after to conceal its presence (if you aren't replacing it with another brick patio). Here's a quick overview of how to go about a brick patio removal:

  • Clear the area. Start by clearing off the patio and the area immediately around it. Keep the area clear of children and pets because it's not safe for them. Make sure someone knows what you're doing.
  • Start in a corner. Next, you'll start the process of brick patio removal in a corner. (It's best to start from an outside corner, away from the house.) Take up the row, going across, working your way toward the house.
  • Backfill and level. Once all the bricks are lifted out of the space, backfill it and then level it off. You'll probably need to tamp it once or more. But, it should be level and not too compacted.
  • Install fresh, new sod. To finish, lay down fresh sod. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and to water it as needed for the best possible results.

If you need help with brick patio removal, just phone 800-433-1094 or visit AAA Rousse Services.

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