Clearwater House Appraisal Preparation Hacks

House appraisal preparation hacks come in quite handy when it’s time to sell. After all, whether you’re buying or selling, you want to know its true market value. But, if you’re the seller, you want to ensure it’s worth as much as possible. So, let’s take a quick look at some of the most effective house appraisal preparation hacks you can use.

What to Know about Home Appraisals

The most important thing to know about a home appraisal is that this report can easily kill the deal. If the home comes in under the agreed selling price, it creates a bad scenario. After all, the lender will see the property just isn’t worth the agreed selling price. Which means the buyer will have to come up with the difference or get the seller to lower the price to equal the appraised value.

Don’t let a bad appraisal mess up your deal. This might happen if the prospective buyer of your home is seeking a conforming loan backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Some appraisers used for these loans have been hired on the cheap and may lack the education, experience and time to do a good job — basically, to verify that your home’s sale price is supported by its market value. A poorly done appraisal that says your home is worth less than it really is can stop a loan from being approved. --Kiplinger

However, if the appraiser determines the home is worth more than the agreed selling price, the seller will certainly look for a way out. With these two possibilities in-mind, it’s easy to understand just how important the appraised value is to viability of the transaction.

Clearwater House Appraisal Preparation Hacks

Since the appraisal plays such a huge role in the deal, you as the seller need to make the best impression possible on the appraiser. Here are some helpful suggestions for how to do home appraisal preparation to boost the value:

  • Improve the curb appeal. Mow the yard, trim hedges, shrubs, and trees, and be sure to cleanup all the yard waste. Then, spread some mulch around trees, around the mailbox, and in the planter. Add a few colorful flowering plants and this will spruce up the curb appeal to make a great first impression. Junk removal services in Clearwater will also help ensure there's nothing left behind you don't want potential buyers to see.
  • Fix anything that’s broken. Anything that’s broken needs repair — it’s that simple. This is particularly true for eyesores because you’re trying to make the best impression possible. If it needs repair or replacement, don’t rationalize your way out of it because it will hurt your property’s value.
  • Create a finished home improvement list. You’ll leave this out for the appraiser. It should include any improvements, along with new appliances, and other makeovers and upgrades.

If you need help getting your home ready for an appraisal with junk removal, just phone 800-433-1094 or visit AAA Rousse Services.

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