Home Office Decluttering

Home Office Decluttering

Is clutter affecting your ability to focus and process information? Clutter can reduce your performance and increase your stress levels. It's time to take control of clutter if it's a problem in your life. Rather than focusing on the task at hand, clutter can weigh you down. In addition, it can cause you to lose focus, which makes you feel guilty about your lack of productivity. When you can't find simple items, invoices, or confidential information, imagine how panicked you feel. The extra time it takes to search through a messy desk or workspace can add up quickly when you don't have it organized. Time is money! Now is the time to work harder and smarter! Saying goodbye to clutter is the best way to sharpen your focus when working at home.

Get Started on Decluttering

It's easy for office clutter to quickly accumulate without even realizing it. When you're ready to reclaim your home office, follow our easy steps on how to declutter and improve your workspace!

  • Purge the Piles of Paper

    Paper is one of the biggest office clutter offenders - piles and piles of it! Organize your paper by sorting it into three piles: shred, recycle, and keep. You can digitize any old documents by scanning them onto your computer after you've narrowed down what you are keeping. If you need to save a hard copy, put it into storage. Make it a habit to use trays or file folders that are clearly labeled after you've purged the paper piles.

  • Organize Cables and Cords

    Whether it’s a bag full of unused cables or wires crossed over your workspace, it’s time to sort. Sort through the cables and recycle the ones that aren't needed. Avoid cluttering up your desk with unnecessary cords by using wireless devices or connecting your cords together.

  • Get Rid of Broken and Outdated Equipment and Furniture

    Do you have two old laptop chargers tucked away in a drawer just in case? Get rid of the multiples you don't need and be selective with what you keep. Get rid of your old items if you've purchased new ones, such as a printer. Do you have a broken computer that you’ve been meaning to fix? Be realistic with yourself and only keep the items that you will fix and use. Anything else should be recycled.

Make Your Office More Productive

Remember to declutter continuously after following the above-decluttering tips to prevent junk from accumulating again. Doing a little bit at a time keeps you from having to do a big purge every few months. It's only natural that workspace clutter will return. It's important to keep only items on your desk that you use every day to stay focused during the workday.

Declutter with Junk Removal

Declutter with Junk Removal

Contact AAA Rousse when you're ready to make your home office more productive. Your home office can be transformed into a productive space with the help of our team. If you need junk removed from your home office, call the junk removal professionals. You can count on us to do the job efficiently and affordably. There is no need to move or lift the items or furniture. You can rely on us to pick up and remove your items. Dedicated to removing clutter in a time-efficient and eco-friendly manner, we have been helping homeowners and businesses organize their lives and daily activities since 2006. The majority of what we collect is recycled and donated, and the rest is properly disposed of. You can declutter your home office quickly with AAA Rousse today.

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