There are many typical property clean up situations you may confront in your lifetime. When you own or purchase vacant land, or, one with a dilapidated improvement, such as a home or business, it's a real challenge to keep it clean of discarded junk. Because dumping and recycling laws have become more and more difficult to comply with for consumers, illegal dumping is also an increasingly growing problem. You might have experienced the problem first hand, trying to rid yourself of accumulated junk over the many years of occupancy of your home or business , or something larger, like an old sectional couch. Neither will be picked up by the local waste collection service, and, in many cases you can't sell or even donate these. That's why there's so much junk garbage to deal with and you need to know how to tackle a property clean up.
How to Tackle a Property Clean Up
The first thing you need to do is to survey and assess just what you're really dealing with on the property. If there are overgrown plants, trees, and grass, these can easily conceal solid objects. You ought to take the situation to heart, because depending on where the lot is located, you as the owner could face code enforcement fines. This is not only because it might be unsightly, but also, unsafe.
Illegal dumping has become an increasingly large problem throughout the United States. Offenders often dump late at night to avoid the cost and inconvenience of proper waste disposal. Because the dumping of garbage, household appliances, abandoned automobiles, construction and demolition debris, hazardous materials, and other waste endangers public health, states have enacted a variety of laws designed to address the problem. These laws can be tough. --Criminal Defense
Once you know what is on your property and where, you can go ahead and deal with the problem. This might take a few hours, an entire weekend, or several days to finish, depending on what's on your property and how extensive the scattered junk is. Here are some helpful tips about how to tackle a property clean up:
- Take lots and lots of pictures. Document the condition of the property because you just don't know when and where this information will come-in handy. You might face a lawsuit in the future from someone claiming to be harmed or possible code enforcement fines and you need documentation to show the dates of before and after clean up.
- Report the illegal dumping to local authorities. You should also report the illegal dumping to the local authorities so they are aware of the problem. Let the local authorities know you are doing a property clean up and are serious about catching any illegal activity.
- Begin the sorting, organizing, and cleaning-up process. Unfortunately, you won't be able to just round everything up, put it on a truck or trailer and be done with it all. You'll have to separate the junk into different piles: recycling, hazardous materials, and refuse.
- Enlist some help to make the job less laborious and lengthy. Because this will probably take a lot of time and effort, don't go it alone, enlist the help of some friends to get it done faster and more efficiently.
- Put up signage and try to make the property inaccessible to the public. After you've done the property clean up, you'll want to prevent any more illegal dumping. If it's feasible, put up a fence, along with signs.
If there are hazardous materials, it's best not to handle these on your own, instead, call-in a local junk hauling and removal service by phoning 800-433-1094 or visit AAA Rousse Services.