How best to cut down on holiday waste this thanksgiving:

What do I do with my junk while I am moving

How best to cut down on holiday waste this thanksgiving:

Reducing holiday waste is crucial for sustainability. Florida is a place unique in the world, and whether you were born here, or came from elsewhere, we all love our sunshine state. With that in mind, here are a few easy steps we can take to minimize our environmental impact during the festive season:

  • Eco-friendly Decorations: Opt for natural decorations that can be composted after the holidays, such as wreaths made of real greenery instead of plastic. Use LED lights for energy efficiency and choose decorations that can be reused year after year

  • Reusable Gift Wrap: Instead of single-use wrapping paper, which often cannot be recycled due to coatings and glitter, use reusable gift bags, fabric wraps (Furoshiki), or recycled paper. Old newspapers and magazines can also be creative alternatives.

  • Mindful Gifting: Give experiences, such as tickets to events or gift certificates for services, to reduce physical waste. When buying physical gifts, look for those with minimal packaging or made from recycled materials.

  • Local Shopping: Support local businesses to cut down on the carbon footprint associated with shipping. Handmade gifts can be more personal and often come with less packaging.

  • Holiday Cards: Send digital holiday cards instead of paper ones. If you do send paper cards, look for those made of recycled content.

  • Sustainable Feasting: Plan holiday meals carefully to avoid excess food waste. Use reusable dishes and napkins instead of disposable ones. If you have leftovers, donate to a local shelter if possible, or compost organic waste.

  • Recycle Wisely: Be aware of what can be recycled in your local area. After the holidays, recycle your Christmas tree (if it’s real) and any other eligible holiday items.

  • Donate What You Don't Need: Before the holidays, declutter and donate items you no longer need or use. Post-holiday, donate unwanted gifts instead of throwing them away.

  • Battery Management: Use rechargeable batteries for toys and gadgets to reduce the number of batteries that end up in landfills.

  • Packaging Disposal: Properly sort and recycle the packaging from gifts and products. For larger items, such as electronics, check if the retailer has a take-back program.

By implementing these practices, we can enjoy the holidays while being conscious of their environmental impact and leading the way towards a more sustainable celebration.


Tips on downsizing your home or business

Feeling overwhelmed by it all? We can help!

On some occasions, you can find yourself wanting to declutter and get rid of the old to make room for the new, but are ill equipped to do so. If that’s the case, give us a call at AAA Rousse, we can help you make short work of that holiday home cleanup. read more about our Services, or use the form below to book a free consultation.

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