Top Bradenton Home Staging Tips

Top Bradenton Home Staging TipsHome staging tips can really serve you as a seller quite well. There’s no question effective home staging is key to selling a property in the shortest amount of time and for near or at the asking price. Real estate professionals use the power of home staging to make properties more attractive to buyers. And, it works particularly well because it not only highlights the best features, it also minimizes any downsides.

The Power of Home Staging

Did you know that people form an impression of home in just 7 to 10 seconds? Did you also know that only 1 out of every 10 people can envision a space in another way than it’s presented? In other words, people form first impressions quickly. What’s more, only 10 percent are able to see a space in another way in their minds than they see it with their own eyes. These are two of the most powerful reasons home staging works.

If you want potential buyers to choose your property over that of the competition, home staging — the act of making a home look visually appealing to buyers — can make your house stand out from the crowd. That stronger perceived value often translates into a higher selling price. In a survey, real estate Web site HomeGain found that home staging resulted, on average, in a $1,780 price increase or a 586 percent return on investment.

In fact, home staging is so effective, there are plenty of statistics that clearly show staged homes sell in far less time than non-staged homes. Plus, staged homes often sell for more. Furthermore, staged homes sell more often for listing price or closest to the asking price. But, too many home sellers forego this marketing strategy. They wrongly believe it’s too time-consuming, too expensive, ineffective, or just unnecessary. That fact is, none of those notions are correct.

Top Bradenton Home Staging Tips

Your goal is to make your home look as open and spacious as possible, this includes the cabinets, pantry, laundry room, garage, and closets. Here are some helpful tips on home staging decluttering:

  • Declutter. People fill their homes with stuff all over the place. Practically no surface is blank or bare. And, that’s not a good thing when it comes to selling a home. So, declutter every room, leaving only the essentials.
  • Depersonalize. A hard fact home sellers don’t like to face is that buyers are interested in the seller’s lives. They are only interested in their own lives. So, depersonalize each and every room.
  • Organize. Go room by room and begin to separate out what you will no longer keep. This not only helps you to have less to deal with but also cuts down on moving costs.
  • Put pets and pet items away. Far away is best, like at a family member’s house, a neighbor, coworker, or even board them. Pets are a big turnoff to buyers, not because they don’t like animals, but because of pet stains and damage.

When you need to purge junk in Bradenton or elsewhere, go ahead and phone 800-433-1094 or visit AAA Rousse Services.

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